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After Play

Legend of Korra

16 January 2015

Episodes ran

6 Jan 2015 - 16 Jan 2015


Plot synopsis

Korra trips and hits her head, causing her to forget everything she ever knew about bending. Fortunately, she still knows about timed hits, and the spirits are willing to re-educate her in each element. Also, there's a plot about the end of the world or something, and a big bad to defeat.


This is a good action game with solid fighting mechanics that sadly falls a little flat when it comes to the actual story. There's a lot of lore to draw on, but nothing that they really bothered to use.

The fighting, though? The fighting is pretty. And good. Korra recovers all of her bending abilities in short order, and once you get familiar with the mechanics, fights are simple and satisfying. They mix things up with some short free-running while riding her pet polar bear dog, but mostly it's all about hitting things with fire, earth, air, and water.

There are collectables and various trophies you can strive for, but none of that really held my attention. I was (unfortunately) here for the plot, not the beat 'em up. And that was a mistake.

And that's the puzzle, really. This isn't really a game for fans of Legend of Korra. It doesn't hold up next to the series, even as it tries to shoehorn its story between the seasons. Most fans aren't going to like how difficult the fighting can be (especially if you're terrible at games, like me, and tend to button mash). But a fighting game fan might baulk at playing a game based on a kid's cartoon.

So it's a strange fit. I'm not sure who the game is for, exactly.

Final verdict

But I'll say this: if you like fighting games, give this a shot, even if you've never heard of Korra before. You may discover that you like her, and want to know more about her. In which case: great news! There's four seasons of cartoon for you to watch.

If you like Korra, but you don't like fighting games ... this is not necessarily the game for you. The game tries to tutorialize, but it's not what I would suggest a first-timer play. If you're curious, and it's on sale, go for it. It's a lot of fun, once you get the hang of it.

If you are one of those people that like both Korra and action, boy, have I got a game for you ...

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